Stupid. Chubby. Unworthy. Not enough. These are some of the words that have been taking up space in our subconscious minds, whether we have realized it or not. When these words impact us they can transition into limiting beliefs that cause blocked energy that manifest into our outer reality. When did we learn these words and how does the blocked energy suppress our outer reality? Let me explain.
Learning what the subconscious mind is and how it works is a tool I believe everyone should be able to access. The subconscious mind is the part of the mind that is not in an active state of awareness. This is the part of our mind that houses our emotions, generates our thoughts, holds onto our memories and stores our habits. The subconscious mind is responsible for going through automatic actions. When you were first taught to drive a car you had to consciously go through all of the tasks, like being mindful of pressing the breaks, paying attention to passing cars and making sure to check your mirrors. Doing these simple tasks ensured that you ended up at your destination safe and sound. Now I want you to think of a time you drove your car where you went through the entirety of the motions and tasks without having to remember how you completed them, but you still ended up at your destination safely.
From the very first day you enter this earth as a newborn, until the young age of 6 years old your subconscious mind has been greatly impacted by the people around you and your environment that you are surrounded by. When you are in a setting where someone says or suggests you aren’t intelligent enough for their standards, that you aren’t their version of an ideal weight. The subconscious mind then undergoes similar survival mode tactics if someone tells us we aren’t good enough or unworthy. These words do not only hurt our feelings, they stay stored in our subconscious mind unless we can gain the tools to reprogram them.
If these limiting beliefs are left unhealed they can transition into adulthood creating your outer reality, like I first mentioned at the beginning of this article. The fact that unhealed limiting blocks can stay in your subconscious mind and transition into your adulthood is maybe something you aren’t aware of until now, but learning why this is important is also a key factor. If your limiting blocks are telling you aren’t worthy enough you might be attracting unhealthy relationships such as Narcissistic bosses or romantic partners because you feel as though you aren’t worthy enough. This can also happen when you are working endless jobs that pay minimum wage because in the layers of your subconscious mind you believe that is all you’ll ever be smart enough for or worthy enough to attract. Unfortunately, it can go far beyond that like experiencing codependency in others or having others seek that in you. Another example is craving the need to please others or the constant need to be reassured that you are worthy enough through external validation. These are just minor ways that the unhealed subconscious mind can create limiting blocks throughout your life, including transitioning into adulthood. You may even experience being stuck in survival mode where you live a day-to-day life full of anxiety and intense alertness.
What you think and more importantly what you feel becomes your outermost reality. Take for instance when you watch a horror movie or read a thrilling novel, if there is a scene that scares you, you will act upon it in your reality by checking your door is locked. Your subconscious pays attention to what you feed it, be it books, movies, the news or the words it hears. Most people in the healing industry focus their teachings on healing current limiting beliefs such as money mindset. These money limiting beliefs can cause blocks where you cannot reach your full wealth potential, but I want you to know how to reprogram your subconscious mind from the ground up, so that you can unlock any blocked energy that not only blocks you from attracting your greatest desires, but can also aid healing in what I like to call the ripple effect. The ripple effect is when you give yourself permission and take action on healing your own personal energetics, those who are in your inner circle, the people you give birth to, the neighbor’s kid in your life know they are safe to do so themselves. The healed version of you then ripples into the next generation and you can then teach others after yourself how to rewire their hard limiting beliefs, or even lessen the impact from when they enter this world.
So you want to give yourself permission to remove limiting blocks and take aligned action? Here is the ultimate go to:
- Sit in a comfortable position where you feel safe to be vulnerable and will not be interrupted. Take a moment and close your eyes. Allow yourself to quiet your mind and focus on what thoughts come to your mind when you think about yourself. What limiting thoughts come to mind? Where do you feel these thoughts came from? Take some time to write down these limiting beliefs.
- Next, I want you to be able to pay attention to what you wrote, noting any patterns that may have taken place. Do you have blocked energy around money -mindset, your health, relationships? What are your feelings behind these blocks? Do you still find some of them to be true? Again, write it down. This is important because you are creating self-awareness to the limiting beliefs that may have gone unnoticed all this time.
- Challenge the limiting belief by asking yourself questions, such as how has this belief(s) helped you survive this far? What would your life be like without them?
- Contrary to what you may have previously, you are a powerhouse. Tap into your subconscious mind to rewire it with a new set of belief patterns by taking your limiting beliefs and turning them into powerful affirmations. Using affirmations is paramount because you have spent a set amount of time in your life once believing in these limiting beliefs. Repeat your affirmations often, say it out loud and share them with anyone in your inner circle who will listen!
I am not worthy to attract wealth < There is more than enough money for everyone and I am worthy enough to claim what is mine!
I am not enough < I have always been enough and all that I am seeking is already within me!
My body shape and relationship with food will never be where I want it < I will mindfully respond to how my body and relationship with food aligns with my energetics!
- Continue mastering these new set of beliefs by expressing gratitude for the things you are grateful for in your life (hint, hint use your new affirmations). When you do this it is important not only to say you’re thankful but also resonate with the feelings behind what you are grateful for. The universe loves hearing what you want to bring into fruition and even more so how you feel about it. When you tap into those feelings that bring you joy and gratitude, you are sending signals to the universe that align with the same frequency of love. Love is the highest vibration of feelings to put into the universe.
- When moving forward with your new set of beliefs, be observant, practice saying positive details of what you love about yourself or what you want to believe in. Catch old beliefs that may still be trying to rear their ugly head. Remember to be patient with yourself. Consistency is great, but alignment is what the universe is all about.
Stupid. Chubby. Unworthy. Not enough. These are words that can impact your subconscious mind for a lifetime, if you allow it. You now have the tools to master your subconscious mind and energetics. It’s time to rewrite your history, allow yourself to be mindful of the present and evolve in your future. Welcome to your awakening.
Ashley Jones; Energy Mentor and Plant Medicine Practitioner