The Founder
Angie Godlewska
FemmeBlossom Magazine was founded in April 2022 out of the need to help other women align with their inner wisdom to bloom.
"FemmeBlossom", as a mix of French (femme) and English (blossom) language, signifies women that want to grow, learn and support each other.
Each of us has a special talent(s) and if we welcome it and let it grow - we will blossom. Blossom into a happy woman that feels fulfilled, aligned with her soul, and confident.
The mission of Femme Blossom is to support each other, learn together, motivate one another to become our best selves, chase our dreams, and deeply ENJOY LIFE. Furthermore, to learn how to cope, and heal those "moments" in life we'd rather forget.
Whether you like painting, writing, crafts, or are still discovering it - we want to help you bloom.
Angie Godlewska, as a Brand Strategist + Web Designer at
Kredo Design, noticed early on a big difference in mindset between males and females that start businesses and that drove her first to become a SCORE
business mentor, than to become a Clarity Coach at, and to start this magazine to cheer women on, help them overcome limiting beliefs, and learn to believe and trust themselves.
Have an amazing day!
" We are on a mission to help YOU blossom."
Magdalena Wrobel
Leadership CoachMagda's goal is to help others run businesses efficiently while creating a happy, healthy family life.
Kate Kowalczyk
Success CoachKate is on a mission to help you become fulfilled and successful. Are you ready to define your success and chase it? Start NOW.
Join Us!
HappinessJoin our Team, our Mission and let's create and amazing magazine for women driven to success!